Small Groups

Growing deeper in community and in your pursuit of Jesus
Growing in your relationship with Christ is a lifelong process – and it’s made richer by doing it alongside others who want to grow, too. Sermon-Based Small Groups are made up of 8-14 people who meet weekly in homes throughout the Valley. Some groups meet virtually as well. Led by a trained Leader & Host, groups use a Study Sheet based on that week’s sermon to dive deeper into the content, as well as pray together and support each other. Sessions run for 8-10 weeks with breaks for holidays and summer vacations.
2024/25 Session Dates
Fall Session
September 8 – November 23
Winter Session
January 12 – March 15
Spring Session
March 30 – June 7
Take it a step further.
Have the gift of hospitality? Serve as a Host by inviting a Small Group into your home each week.
Love facilitating discussions? Serve as a Leader to walk your Small Group through a weekly Study Sheet. Check out the video below to learn more about what it means to lead a group.

Small Groups FAQ
Our Small Groups are sermon-based which means we study and discuss the previous Sunday’s sermon. Each week, we provide a Study Sheet with a series of questions and Bible passages to study before you meet with your Small Group. These questions are designed to go deeper and discuss how the sermon and surrounding Scripture relate to everyday life.
We’d love for you to commit to a full session (8-10 weeks long). You will have the first three weeks to attend a group before deciding if the group is a good fit for you. Complete the Study Sheet before the meeting and get ready to grow!
Definitely. Joining a Small Group is a great way to find out more about Jesus and see what it means to be a believer. If you have questions, we can help you process through them. This is a great environment to continue growing in your journey with Jesus.
Try another group. You are not committing to anything by visiting a group. We recognize that you may need to visit a few Small Groups before you find the right fit. Our goal is to help you minimize the number of Small Groups you might visit and help you settle into a one you can call “home.” The first three weeks of each session allow you time to find that fit.
Small Groups are for adults only as we find this most ideal for a focused study session. Each group handles childcare a little differently. Older children can sometimes care for younger children in another room of the home. Other groups pool their resources together to hire a babysitter. And other groups leave children to the individual families to arrange childcare. Some swap childcare with another family whose Small Group meets on a different evening. Be creative!
Striving to attend as many meetings as possible is strongly recommended to grow both personally and relationally with your group members. We understand with life comes vacation, work conflicts, and sickness. That’s ok! We just ask that you try your best to prioritize your Small Group when your schedule allows.