Our Story
In 1964, a group of people chose to leave Center City Allentown and move to the sticks of Lower Macungie to start a church. They prayed and prioritized and bought a field on Hamilton Boulevard. There, they built a church so that people would have access to the Kingdom of God. And now, decades later, thousands of people have come to know Jesus on this cornfield. Thousands of people have grown in their faith in God right here.
And now, we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us – decades of individuals who didn’t settle for comfort, but instead, sacrificed to ensure that people have access to the Kingdom of God here in the Lehigh Valley and around the world.
Where We're Going
Our story doesn’t end here. It’s not all about us. It’s about glorifying God and giving more people access to Jesus to advance His Kingdom. It’s about helping people find and follow Jesus.
Are you ready to be challenged beyond your comfort zone? We are on the cusp of a Kingdom Movement that stands on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. What might your Kingdom move be?

Values & Beliefs
Faith Church is a God-glorifying, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit-empowered community which exists to help people find and follow Jesus.

Our Family
& Their Stories
Have a story to tell? We’d love to hear what God’s doing in your life.

At Faith Church, we want to be a place where people encounter Jesus, cross the line of faith, and grow to be more like Him in their daily lives. Our team considers it an honor and privilege to work together to help people find and follow Jesus.