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High School

Connecting students to Jesus and to others

We focus on growing our relationship with Jesus as we grow in community with others. Using large and small group settings, we create fun, engaging discussions, games, and worship as we walk students through this journey into adulthood. The goal is for every student to leave feeling energized to go out there and tackle another week!

Sunday Mornings

Worship & Serve – Students worship and serve with the church body during Sunday services. We have students involved in a variety of ministries including Guest Services, Faith Kids, Faith Middle School, technology, and worship.

Sunday Lunches

On the first, third, or fifth Sundays of the month, join us 12:30-2:30pm. Lunch is on us! After eating together, we’ll engage in large, energetic group activities before moving into a quieter small group setting. Students gather with their small group to spend time talking, processing, and praying about what’s going on in their lives. Relationships and trust are built within these groups.

Sunday Nights

On the second or fourth Sundays of the month, join us from 6:30-8:30pm on Floor 3.  We create a fun environment that begins in a large group setting and moves to a small group setting. Students gather with their small group to spend time talking, processing, and praying about what’s going on in their lives. Relationships and trust are built within these groups.

Upcoming Events

Throughout the year, we have various retreats, on campus and off campus events, and special opportunities for students. Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on what’s happening!

Have more questions?

Please email Pam Zimmerman, our Faith Students Director. She would love to connect with you!