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Foster & Adoption

Fostered: One Woman’s Powerful Story of Finding Faith and Family through Foster Care
Peterson writes an encouraging resource drawing from her experience in the foster care system. She writes about her years of...
Toxic Stress & the Brain
This TBRI Animate explains how toxic stress impacts the developing brain of a child while providing hope that building a...
Twenty Things Adopted Kids Wish Their Adoptive Parents Knew
Eldridge creates a resource to help adoptive parents recognize the unspoken needs of their adopted children. This book will empower...
Loving a Stranger
In Bowler’s interview with Sarah Sentilles, the two discuss the emotional cost as well as the life-enriching impact a foster...
An Open Letter to Parents of Children from Hard Places
Purvis writes a powerful letter of encouragement to those who are fostering or adopting children.
It Starts Small
God starts seemingly small with a couple that is unable to bear children. In Genesis 12:1-3, He gives a big...
Access to Jesus
We, as a church, say we want the Kingdom of God to move forward, but is there any action behind...
Adopt Allentown and Internationals
God calls us to love our neighbors and care for those in need, so we will build relationships within our...
Adopt Children
God adopted us, so we will adopt and love those in the foster care system.