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The Ascension
What is the ascension of Christ? In this sermon, Pastor Joe uses Acts 1:1-11 to explain the hope of the...
Are you looking for hope in the midst of chaos? In this Easter message, Pastor Joe teaches on Luke 24:5...
Palm Sunday
Do you find yourself only looking to Jesus when things go wrong? In this message, Pastor Brad uses Luke 19:37-40...
Why Advance?
A sermon on Matthew 6:10. A unified family honors God by advancing His Kingdom.
Why Listen?
A sermon on Hebrews 4:12-13. Listening to sermons honors God and transforms lives.
Why Pray?
A sermon on Ephesians 6:18-20. Praying together honors God and changes lives.
Death or Life
A sermon on John 11:25-26. Trusting in Jesus leads to resurrection and life.
Believe or Silence
A sermon on John 7:25-44. Jesus is either someone to believe or someone to silence.
Believing Seperates
A sermon on John 6:60-70. Believing separates real followers from fake followers.
Believing Secures
A sermon on John 6:25-59. Believing secures eternal life.