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God’s Abundant Love
God wants more for you than you want for yourself. Dan dives into Judges 13-16 and explores Samson’s life that...
Life Together
Bonhoeffer dives into the importance of intentional, devoted, and healthy community within the church. The author writes a practical and...
The Gospel of Ruth
James explores Ruth’s journey as a devoted and loving disciple of the Lord. This book reflects on courage through the...
The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives
Willard explores Spiritual disciplines including prayer, solitude, silence, simple living, and sacrificial living, all rooted in a devotion to God’s...
Believing Faith Is Obedient Faith
Pastor Joe dives into John 3:36 and what it means to live life as a Christian fully devoted to God....
Day by Day With the Early Church Fathers
Hudson, Sharrer, and Vanker write a selection of powerful devotionals inspired by the writings of the early church fathers. The...
Accidental Pharisees
Osbourne writes this book to challenge and encourage readers to increase their devotion and passion for the Lord. The author...