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Traveling Light
Lucado explores what is beneath the extra metaphorical weight that many of us seem to carry. He explores the following...
A Gift of Mourning Glories: Restoring Your Life After Loss
Shaffer writes about moving from heartbreak, hurt, and loss to healing. This book serves as a guide for those who...
How to Handle Darkness
We’ve all known people who are stuck in darkness and maybe we’ve experienced it ourselves. Pastor Joe takes us into...
Feeling Helpless – S2E34
So many of us feel helpless right now, looking at the state of our country. In this episode, Pastor Joe...
Depression – S02E06
Have you ever struggled with depression? Maybe you’re struggling with it right now. In this episode, Pastor Brad and Pastor...
The One with the Rope – S01E10
Have you ever used the saying, “I’m at the end of my rope”? Maybe someone wrongfully accused you of something...

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