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The Power of Faith
Faith accompanied by action reveals a heart that that has been transformed by God. Jenny walks us through Joshua 2,...
Changed by the Spirit
As we wrap up our sermon series, “Gospel Help,” Tim takes us through Romans 8:1-17 and encourages us to redirect...
Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
Willard explores what it means to fully follow Jesus and surrender to His Word. The author provides a guide for...
Train with God
Being a Christian is not about what we do or who we hang out with all of the time. Our...
Made to Work
Work might be something we tend to avoid or just push through, but did you know that we were actually...
Made to Worship
In his message on Genesis 2:8-9, Pastor Joe shines light on God’s bigness and greatness. By seeing all of God’s...
Made to Rule
What was God’s intent behind telling us to subdue the earth? Pastor Brad helps us get to the bottom of...
Made to Shine
You know you’re on earth…but do you know why…or for what? There’s a reason you’re here. In the first message...
Private Property
Are you satisfied? In his message on Exodus 20:17, David Soloman talks about how we can be satisfied with what...
One Lane Bridge
Maybe it feels like being a Christ follower means you have to be perfect and have everything together. Pastor Brad...