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Living as Citizens of Heaven
Regardless of where we stand as citizens of the United States or any country, we are first called to live...
Hero Maker: Five Essential Practices for Leaders to Multiply Leaders
Ferguson and Bird create these practical practices and steps to apprenticeship that build up other leaders and provide strategies for...
Vision Sunday – 60th Birthday
Pastor Joe and Kevin Kompelien reflect on God’s faithfulness throughout the years as we celebrate Faith Church’s 60th birthday. Check...
Go and Do: Becoming a Missional Christian
Everts writes an encouraging, inspiring, and practical guide for Christians to further the Kingdom of God. This book challenges the...
S.H.A.P.E.: Finding & Fulfilling Your Unique Purpose for Life
Rees writes a guide for the reader to find fulfillment and purpose in life. The author takes the reader through...
Kingdom Faith is Abundant Faith
God commands us to go and make disciples. Reggie takes us through Matthew 13:10-13 and challenges us to delve into...
Freedom from Excuses
We often get stuck in our relationship with Christ because we make excuses. Pastor Joe dives into Luke 9:57-62, where...
Freedom from Overthinking
What if we are tied up in knots overthinking things and can’t move forward? Pastor Joe dives into Luke 18:15-17,...
Unexpected Impact
In Acts 19:23-41, the apostle Paul describes how the Kingdom of God disrupts the lifestyle and culture in Ephesus. In...
Unexpected Message
Jesus offers something vastly different from a religious checklist. Pastor Brad looks at the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew...

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