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Unconfessed Sin
Confessed sin is forgiven sin. Murdocc dives into John 12:4-6 exploring the life of Judas and challenges us to think...
Fostered: One Woman’s Powerful Story of Finding Faith and Family through Foster Care
Peterson writes an encouraging resource drawing from her experience in the foster care system. She writes about her years of...
When Judgment Is Just
We can be critical, self-righteous, and judgmental of others. Claudio dives into Romans 2:1-11 and the dangers of developing a...
His Grace Is Enough: How God Makes It Right When We’ve Got It Wrong
Melissa Kruger writes this book as a helpful tool for parents wanting to teach their children about God’s grace. The...
Life Changing Grace
Do you recognize God’s grace and mercy in your life? Is it changing you? Melissa dives into 1 Timothy 1:12-14...
Honoring Authority
As we walk through Titus 3:1-8, we reflect on situations where we have difficulty submitting to authority. Pastor Joe reassures...
Should Christians Call Non-Believers out on Sin? – S5E7
In last week’s episode, we discussed our responsibility in addressing sin in other Christians, but what is our responsibility, if...
Should Christians Call Each Other out on Sin? – S5E6
We’ve all witnessed sinful behavior in other Christians, so what do we do about it? What exactly is our responsibility...
Cancel Culture – S4E25
The Cancel Culture movement has rapidly risen over the last three years. Pastor Joe and Pastor Brad discuss the potential...