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Building a Genuine Faith
Genuine faith in God grows, obeys, and perseveres. Christian explores Judges 6-8 and what sincere and authentic faith in God...
Remain True to Jesus
When we remain true to Jesus, He speaks through us, works on us, and blesses those around us. Tim dives...
A Life of Obedience
What happens when we say “yes” to Jesus? Pastor Joe leads us through Romans 6:15-23 and examines the freedom and...
Believing Faith Is Obedient Faith
Pastor Joe dives into John 3:36 and what it means to live life as a Christian fully devoted to God....
The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life In God
Willard explores topics from biblical teaching, popular culture, science, scholarship, and spiritual practice, in attempts to reveal what it means...
Kingdom Faith is Abundant Faith
God commands us to go and make disciples. Reggie takes us through Matthew 13:10-13 and challenges us to delve into...
Honoring Authority
As we walk through Titus 3:1-8, we reflect on situations where we have difficulty submitting to authority. Pastor Joe reassures...
Stop Waiting
We all have a tendency to procrastinate, despite our good intentions. Pastor Brad takes us into the book of Haggai...
Following without Seeing
Following Jesus means that we take Him at His word.