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Fourth Quarter Mindset
In our sermon series Joyful Loser, we have been talking about how to be joyful in all circumstances, but sometimes...
Peace Be with You
Pastor Joe dives into John 20:19​-23, where Jesus appears to His disciples after His resurrection and says, “Peace be with...
My Kingdom Is Not of This World
In our series, Fightin’ Words, we are looking at Jesus’ last words in His final hours. Pastor Brad dives into...
I Am He
In our new series, Fightin’ Words, we will spend time looking at Jesus’ last words in His final hours. Pastor...
The Elephant in the Room – S3E9
How do we make sense of the tension in our country right now? In this episode, Pastor Joe and Pastor...
Made for Each Other
Did you know you’re not created to do this life on your own? Pastor Joe concludes this sermon series by...
Made to Obey
In his latest message, Pastor Brad opens up Genesis 2:16-17 to take a look at how we were designed to...
Made to Live
You know you’re made to live, but do you know why or even how you’re meant to live? Pastor Brad...
Made to Live by Faith
What does it look like to find rest? Pastor Joe reminds us that true peace is knowing that you are...
Made to Rest
Why would God tell His people to rest? Pastor Brad opens up Genesis 2:1-3 to reveal how God not only...