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Building a Genuine Faith
Genuine faith in God grows, obeys, and perseveres. Christian explores Judges 6-8 and what sincere and authentic faith in God...
Is My Repentance Real If I Keep Committing the Same Sin?
Piper explores how to deal with sin, and what genuine confession looks like. The speaker utilizes Scriptural evidence to dissect...
Praying the Names of God
Ann Spangler writes to deepen the audience’s understanding of God’s character. Spangler expresses how aligning our prayers with God’s Will...
Light of the World
As we begin our new sermon series, “The Word Was God,” Pastor Joe dives into John 1:1-8 and the powerful...
The Moody Handbook of Messianic Prophecy
Rydelnik takes an in-depth look into the meaning of the Messiah and the titles of the Messiah in the Old...
Righteous for the Unrighteous
We are redeemed by the ultimate Redeemer. Pastor Joe dives into Romans 3:1-20 and how we are to joyfully trade...
The Parables of Jesus
Barclay analyzes select passages from the Bible and explores themes, language, and customs of the ancient world. The author stresses...
God’s Good News
As we dive into our new sermon series, Gospel Truth, Pastor Joe takes us through Romans 1:1-7 and explores how...
Read Your Bible – S3E12
Do you ever feel shame for not reading your Bible? It can be daunting to even figure out where to...
Praying for Revenge – S02E21
Is there anything we can’t talk to God about? In this episode, Pastor Brad and Pastor Joe unpack a few...