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Serving When It’s Inconvenient
Serving is not about what you have but trusting what Jesus can do with it. Tim dives into Matthew 14:14-21...
Overcoming Tests
God lovingly tested Jesus to prepare Him to serve. Pastor Joe Henseler walks us through Matthew 4:1-11 and how God...
The God of Our Past, Present, & Future
The signs in John’s Gospel show us that Jesus is God. Dave explores John 2:1-11 and how we can trust...
Relocated to Restart
Sometimes God uses our pain in life to relocate us to new places where we can restart our lives. Pastor...
Loving the Oppressed
We are called to see people in need and serve them. Pastor Brad takes us into Matthew 25:31-46, where Jesus...
Am I Known for Doing Good?
As we hold up the mirror of Scripture to our lives, we should ask, “What am I known for?” Pastor...
Stop Thinking about Yourself – S3E11
We can all be a little self-centered sometimes. In this episode, Pastor Joe and Pastor Brad discuss some practical ways...
My Kingdom Neighbor
Pastor Brad’s message about the good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37 reminds us that in God’s Kingdom, people are never an...
Caring Hosea
A sermon on Hosea. Care grows as we sacrificially love others.
Caring Ruth
A sermon on Ruth 1. Care grows as we actively love others.