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The Subtle, Dangerous Path to Christian Extremism
What is the difference between passion and extremism? How do we know if our love for Jesus and our loyalty...
Resist the Devil
Pastor Joe delves into the character of Satan in John 8 and offers practical and tangible implications for resisting Satan...
How Important Is It to Confess My Sin to Someone Other Than God?
In his informative podcast, Piper explores relational confession through what Scripture has to say about confession. The speaker stresses the...
Turning Points in American Church History
Coffman dives into Christianity in the United States by focusing on key turning points over four centuries of history to...
Lasting Joy
When we put our faith in Jesus, we have peace with God and access to His grace. Tim walks us...
Taste & See
There is an eternity of exploration wherever you are on your spiritual journey. Pastor Joe dives into John 1:43-51 and...
Grace & Truth
God wants us to allow Him into every aspect of our lives. Pastor Joe delves into John 1:14 and how...
Simple Faith
As we wrap up the final week in our sermon series, Gospel Truth, Pastor Joe explores Romans 3:21-31 and the...
Changed from the Inside Out
Does your outward behavior reflect how Jesus is working in you? Sam explores God’s Law in Romans 2:12-29 and God’s...
Renovation of the Heart: Putting on the Character of Christ
Willard explores what it means to fully follow Jesus and surrender to His Word. The author provides a guide for...