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Faithfully Different: Regaining Biblical Clarity in a Secular Culture
Natasha Crain writes about the importance of holding on to Biblical truths in an ever-changing and developing society. She gives...
Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning
Wayne Grudem explores the ethics of Christianity. Grudem aims to assist readers in applying a Biblical worldview to various situations...
Honorable Elderly
Younger generations can learn to be credible Christians by looking at older generations whose lives have been shaped by God’s...
Credible Christianity
Have you ever asked yourself if you are a credible Christian, trustworthy, and believable? Do you represent the heart of...
Freedom from Being Stuck
Are you tired of being stuck in sin? Maybe obedience is the path to true freedom. Pastor Joe takes us...
Obedience Frees Us
What if we are stuck because we are unwilling to obey God? Pastor Joe takes us into John 8:31-32, where...
Should Christians Call Non-Believers out on Sin? – S5E7
In last week’s episode, we discussed our responsibility in addressing sin in other Christians, but what is our responsibility, if...
Should Christians Call Each Other out on Sin? – S5E6
We’ve all witnessed sinful behavior in other Christians, so what do we do about it? What exactly is our responsibility...
Ortlund makes the case that sanctification does not happen by doing more or becoming better, but instead, by going deeper...
Why Are Christians Jerks? – S4E19
Give “Christians” a Google, and unfortunately, some rather unkind words pop up in the search bar. Where are we going...