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Pain Transformed by Prayer
Melissa explores Matthew 14:1-13 and how with God’s help through prayer, we can persevere, mature, and become complete through the...
Parenting: Getting It Right
Stanley and Stanley write a guide on parenting to help parents raise a happy and healthy family. The authors write...
Changed By Love
Who are we to judge the sins of others? Pastor Joe takes us through Luke 7:36-50 and reminds us that...
Fueled by Prayer
If we are going to serve with Jesus, for Jesus, and like Jesus, we need grace to pray for direction....
When You Pray
Do you ever get stuck thinking about who you are praying to, what you are praying for, when to pray,...
When This Season Ends: How to Let Good Things Go
Hubbard writes an article geared towards helping us appreciate the past and the present while looking forward to the believers’...
Recapturing the Wonder: Transcendent Faith in a Disenchanted World
Cosper writes to explore the struggle of living as a Christian in a post-Christian world. The author writes from his...
Overcoming Tests
God lovingly tested Jesus to prepare Him to serve. Pastor Joe Henseler walks us through Matthew 4:1-11 and how God...
Follow His Lead
As we begin our new sermon series, “Like Jesus,” Pastor Joe Henseler dives into Mark 10:35-45 and how as followers...
The God of Our Past, Present, and Future
The signs in John’s Gospel show us that Jesus is God. Dave explores John 2:1-11 and how we can trust...

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