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Continued study of the life of Jesus in the Gospel of John.

Death or Life
A sermon on John 11:25-26. Trusting in Jesus leads to resurrection and life.
Sickness or Health
A sermon on John 10:11-30. Trusting in Jesus leads to hope beyond the immediate and obvious.
Vulnerable or Protected
A sermon on John 10:11-30. Following Jesus leads to provision and protection.
Empty or Full
A sermon on John 10:1-10. Following Jesus leads to fullness of life.
Blind or Seeing
A sermon on John 9. Believing in Jesus brings clarity to the greatest realities of life.
Slave or Free
A sermon on John 8:31-59. Obedience to Christ brings freedom.
Light or Darkness
A sermon on John 8 :12-30. Walking in the light of Christ brings a clear connection to God.
Believe or Silence
A sermon on John 7:25-44. Jesus is either someone to believe or someone to silence.