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Mirror Mirror

In a time when it’s so easy to point fingers, this series challenges us to ask ourselves hard questions about the role we’re playing here on earth.

Do I Care about Other People?
Am I committed to the people around me? With God’s help, am I willing to sacrifice in order to care...
Am I Making a Difference?
The word, “family” can mean different things for all of us, but every family is dysfunctional. Pastor Joe takes us...
Am I Known for Doing Good?
As we hold up the mirror of Scripture to our lives, we should ask, “What am I known for?” Pastor...
Am I Courageous?
It is easy to point fingers at our leaders and judge their lack of courage, but have we actually stopped...
Has Jesus Changed Me?
In our new sermon series Mirror Mirror, Pastor Brad takes us into Luke 8:1-3, where we learn about some of...