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Over the last 12 months, our church family has stepped up in big ways to help us fulfill our purpose statement. Your giving has allowed us to create new opportunities to help others find Jesus and allow us to both grow and serve as we seek to follow Him.

Opportunities to Grow

Young Adult Gatherings

Our Young Adults ministry was given new life last summer with several fun gatherings for adults 18-30 to gather and grow together.

“YA has been a fantastic way to connect with Christians my age who can hold each other up to live how Christ has called us to live in community. It’s very hard to be the salt and light in this world especially in our generation and many times you feel alone, but knowing there are others who truly want to follow Christ is very encouraging and gives me strength to keep going in this long journey of Christian life.” 

Joel George, Faith Church Young Adult

Going Public

We celebrated 51 baptisms over the last year — what a privilege to watch so many people take that next step in going public with their faith in Jesus!

“I want to be a follower not only in my words, but also in my actions. I have read the Bible cover to cover a few times now and feel like God is now pulling on my heart for the next step. I want to boldly step out and be able to say I am not ashamed of the Gospel.”

Samantha Shubach

Family Gatherings

Last year, we held several Fam Fest events designed for the entire family. These unique Saturday gatherings allowed the whole family to participate together.

“It was so fun seeing families attend all together, including grandparents. The most rewarding part was seeing our church family share the event with the community by inviting friends and neighbors. What an opportunity to introduce people to the love of Jesus!”

Patti Schoonover, Faith Kids Director

This summer we’ll be returning to a whole week of VBX! Save the date for July 24-28. We can’t wait!

Discover Jesus

This new class is designed for people who recently made the decision to follow Jesus or for those still asking questions about who He is. This class creates a space where people could ask hard questions and learn the  foundation of Jesus and the hope He offers us.

“The class became a place of encouragement. When a mom in the group shared her concern for her young adult son who is far from God, a young adult man in the group was able to move her from tears to hope by sharing his own recent miraculous journey to finding Jesus.”

Dave Steel, Discipleship Pastor

Bible Reading Plan

Last year, we read through the Bible as a church family from Genesis through Revelation. 

“I loved how this reading plan was set up to read just 3 days a week. It made it really easy to get back on track if I fell behind. It was fascinating to see just how many references there were to the Kingdom of God – even in the Old Testament. This was an encouraging way to be reminded of God’s promises week after week. Such an exercise in trusting His faithfulness.”

Dolly Magness

This year, we’ve created a new reading plan, The Life of Christ: A Chronological Journey with Jesus. It’s never too late to dig into Scripture. Check out all of our reading plans on our Resources Page.

The Impact of Serving

Students Serving Students

Faith Students creates opportunities to both grow and serve. We are seeing students grow from a posture of being served to now serving others.

“When I was in middle school, I always looked up to my high school leaders here and how they helped me keep God at the center of my life. I think it’s so cool that I now get to be that person for all these amazing middle school kids that I get to work with each week!”

James Whitehead, 9th grade student

Teachers Serving Our Community

Our Preschool teachers have the unique opportunity to serve families from a variety of backgrounds. One student started the school year excusing herself from class each time the class viewed a Bible lesson video. She explained that it felt wrong because her family has their own gods at home, but by the end of the year, that same student expressed how sad she was that she wouldn’t get to see those videos over the summer break. The teacher invited her to join us on Sundays and reminded her of the Jesus in the Jesus Storybook Bible that each preschool student receives. The seed has been planted. “She & her family were introduced to Jesus. We trust He will complete a work that was begun.”

Stephanie Fisher, Preschool Director

Stepping up to Lead

We’ve seen several Small Groups members take that next step toward now serving and leading a Small Group of their own.

“Being in a small group has led me to my closest friends, who really feel more like family. They’ve witnessed my highest highs and my lowest lows and have been there to comfort, pray, and point me toward truth in every moment.” How exciting to now to cultivate that same opportunity for a new small group. 

Kelsey Haviland

Serving Through Generosity

Backpack Drive

Seniors ministry donated 200 backpacks filled with school supplies to Raub Middle School in Allentown this year. To distribute the backpacks, the teachers organized a Back-to-School event where students participated in a fun scavenger hunt, each winning a backpack at the end. “It is so nice to have backpacks to give students in need.” 

Olga Jaeger, Community School Coordinator

ELM Food Drive

Over the summer, our church donated over 8,000 pounds of groceries for our neighbors in Allentown who are experiencing homelessness and/or financial struggles. “What a wonderful day it was to restock our food bank shelves that were almost bare. AWESOME! Thank you so much!”

Pastor Gus Al-Khal, Everlasting Life Ministries

Christmas Tree Lighting

Our annual community event brought thousands onto our campus once again allowing us to serve our neighbors.

“It brought me to tears seeing how many people came. It was so beautiful to serve the community, and that is really what church is about to me – serving people. It was sweet to see little kids being read to and the excited faces enjoying cookies and hot chocolate. It’s amazing watching everything come together as our church family serves in so many unique ways on this special night.”

Margaret Reighn, Cookie Tent Volunteer

Serving Through Ministry Trips

“Serving on this team allowed us to shine the light and love of Jesus on people whose homes had been devastated by Hurricane Florence. What a privilege to see joy in the faces of homeowners who realized they had not been forgotten after all these years. As we prayed together with the community, it was life-changing to celebrate God’s faithfulness to us all. Our team was reminded that each day we can be Jesus’ hands and feet wherever we go.”

Caroline France, Ministry Trip Team Leader

EXTRAordinary Giving

The month of May welcomed a cool new refresh to Faith Kids — a direct result of your giving to the EXTRAordinary Giving Project 2021. This year’s EXTRAordinary Giving Project is dedicated to the funding of the new Counseling Center. Would you consider giving big and giving beyond your normal giving to provide someone right here in the Lehigh Valley with the opportunity for mental health?