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Pain Transformed by Prayer
Melissa explores Matthew 14:1-13 and how with God’s help through prayer, we can persevere, mature, and become complete through the...
The Hidden Smile of God
This book is one of six in Piper’s book series and explores the fruit of affliction in the lives of...
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering
In this book, Keller writes about how to remain steadfast with God through hardships in life. Keller encourages the reader...
A Time to Rejoice & Weep
We often think rejoicing and weeping are opposites that are unrelated. However, they are often intertwined. Sam dives into Ecclesiastes...
Relief Begins
Why does God allow pain, loss, and suffering? Pastor Brad takes us through Exodus 7-14 where we read about how...
Relocated to Restart
Sometimes God uses our pain in life to relocate us to new places where we can restart our lives. Pastor...
Presence Revealed
Jesus’s presence changes everything. He is with us every step of the way. Pastor Joe dives into Luke 2:25-32, where...
Why Does God Allow Pain & Evil? – S4E7
It’s a question we’ve all asked at one point in our lives. Why does God allow bad things to happen?...
Pain Is Temporary
In this life there is destruction and pain, so what do we do? Pastor Brad dives into Philippians 3:15-21, where...
Dealing with Disappointment – S2E30
Disappointment is like a sickness – to feel better you can’t just dismiss it, it has to be dealt with....